Leaf Collection

Leaf Collection Begins November 1st

Loose leaf collection throughout the Town will begin Monday, November 1st.
Please rake leaves curbside, but do not place in street.
Leaf piles should be free of sticks, rocks, and pinecones.
Town crews will vacuum leaves as promptly as possible.
There is no charge for this service, and no phone call is necessary.

Area Leaf Collection Schedule is as follows:

Area 1 & 2 - Week of November 1, 15, 29 – Week of December 13, 27

Area 3 & 4 - Week of November 8, 22 – Week of December 6, 20

Loose Leaf Collection Ends on December 31, 2021

The above schedule can also be found on your Town Calendar under the months of November and December.

Note: Dates may vary with holidays and weather.